Progression of Accessibility Centres in higher Education for Students with disabilities in North Africa (PACES)

Project Aim

The overall aim of the PACES project is to


progress and set up a programme of initiatives in universities in Egypt and Morocco to support the modernisation of higher education by developing Accessibility Centres (static, mobile and virtual) that will enable students with disabilities (SwD) to access assistive technology and support services such as counselling and peer support. Through these centres SwD and the Employer/HEI network SwD will be able to gain employability and transition skills in order to move forward into employment.



Build on the handbook and model designed in SWING

with lessons learned and knowledge from new partners to formulate new training.

Build Accessibility Centres

in a further five universities with links to and expand already established centres in the region.

Transfer of Good Practice

across EU and North Africa, researching the needs of SwD in the Partner Countries. Learn from the legacy of the SWING and MUSE projects and transfer that knowledge

Establish a network for Employers/HE institutions

in the Partner Countries with the aim of aiding employers to understand the needs and skills of persons with disabilities and at the same time train SwD to transition and employment skills.

Develop new "Student Support Schemes"

for students to work with SwD peer-to-peer so that they not only provide support but will understand the implications of what it means to have a disability

Project Areas of Development

  1. Needs Analysis and Transfer of Knowledge (Preparation)
  2. Establishment of Accessibility Centres (Development)
  3. Progression of Training (Development)
  4. Network of Universities and Employers Development)
  5. Student Supporters Scheme - Peer-to-Peer (Development)
  6. Quality, Monitoring and Sustainability (Quality plan)
  7. Dissemination and Exploitation of the Project (Dissemination & Exploitation)
  8. Project Management (Management)

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